To Suffer in Silence


I would love to suffer in silence. For Christ’s sake. Not fake it. Not take blame for that which I have not done.

Not that I want to suffer, but if it be my lot, may it be done without a mumbling word to anyone.

Not that I should feel justified, or hit the gavel to condemn another. In His courtroom there are soured relationships. Between sister and sister. Sister and brother. Saints pitted against each other. Clamoring for the enviable position of serving Him best. Testing each other’s dedication and patience. In-fighting. Giving resistance. Hugging hostilities at times when one’s mind should be at rest.

My stoical persona does not want to cater to the restlessness of a fighting spirit. I do not want to suffer. But if I do, may I not say a word.

May I be silent;

But may my silence be heard.
